Food Safety

Research and Development

As one of the leading specialist organizations in the areas of food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS), quality and standards in the region, we avail our expertise to participate in the discovery and unveiling of new issues and information that are important to the management and control of safety and quality of products through research.

We undertake contract research on behalf of organizations and enterprises who seek to explore new areas and new issues relating to food safety, SPS and quality and standards that have effect on their mandates and/or achievement of their business interests. We work with clients to develop research concepts and proposals to identify information and data that answer their research questions and through participatory research generate information that is useful to meet organization’s own objectives.

We also participate in research and development activities that benefit the general public by competing for research grants available nationally, regionally and internationally.

We can be contracted by organizations seeking to undertake baseline surveys, scoping studies, assessments and evaluations and situation analyses to generate data and information required to diagnose food safety, SPS and quality related problems and provide informed recommendations for development of interventions.We can also undertake impact assessment studies to inform policy, regulatory and operational interventions that relate to food safety, SPS, quality and standards.We also undertake feasibility studies aimed at optimizing the interventions in food and related value chains leading to theformulation of informed and effective business plans and bankable projects.

We support enterprises in the development of new products by providing technical guidance through research and development to ensure that the new products are fit for purpose, and are able to meet consumers, safety and regulatory requirements.

We undertake cutting edge research to unveil important data, techniques, strategies and technologies for reduction of food contamination and quality loss/deterioration as well as determination of effective measures for detection and monitoring of food contamination and/or quality loss.

Please contact us to discuss with our experts the modalities for undertaking research that enables you address your food safety, SPS, quality and standards related needs.

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