Ensuring acceptable level of food safety and quality which is necessary to protect consumers and to facilitate trade requires technical considerationsand expertise provided by highly qualified knowledgeable and experienced experts. We are therefore available to support organizations, both public and private sector, with technical guidance required to set up systems for complying with any food safety and quality related requirements; be it for safe food or standards for trade. We provide all aspects of specialized support in implementing and monitoring food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) andquality assurance measures along the value chain, when it is appropriate and when it is possible. Our technical support is boundless and limitless as long as it concerns matters involving food safety, SPS and quality. We provide technical support ranging from designing, testing, supporting and implementing tools for instituting quality and safety measures; modifications of environments with effect on safety and quality and development of tools for monitoring the compliance of the food safety, SPS and Quality measures. We supportthe development, installation and implementation of the tools for instituting effective monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS)systems that are aligned with modern risk analysis principles such as effective instruments, tools, techniques and mechanisms for implementing inspection, auditing, sampling, testing and certification to support capacity of inspection services to implement food safety, quality and SPS measures
We have been instrumental in the development, perfection and implementation of tools and instruments for guaranteeing safetyof products on market by regulatory bodies. We support the development and establishment of the food safety, SPS and Quality Assurance institutional architecture that enables regulatory bodies to guarantee safety, SPS and Quality of products both for export or on domestic markets in several countries on the African Continent.We support governments to design and establish effective National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) to support domestic and cross border trade and enhanced integration in regional and world trading systems.
We design mechanisms for standards development, declaration of mandatory/compulsory standards aimed to protect consumers’ health, promote trade and safeguard environment; where we also support the processes for referencing of standards during the development of technical regulations. We are good at formulating technical regulatory frameworks, both at legal and institutional and institutional levels, focusing at harmonizing and aligning the NQI withgood regulatory practices (GRP) that are harmonized with the multilateral trade agreements established under the WTO such as the agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement. We also design mechanisms for administration of regulations including supporting the process for determination of the relevant conformity assessment procedures in accordance to the principle of risk analysis.
We support public and private organizations to establish, manage or participate in certification schemes to promote products and enable them access different market segments. We initiate and manage procedures that enable enterprises and countries integrate in the regional and world trading systems by focusing on mechanism for implementing and removing technical barriers to trade through harmonization of Standards, Technical regulations, SPS measures and conformity assessment procedures.
We are therefore experienced preparing trade partners to achieve equivalency of technical measures leading to mutual recognition of trade measures.
If you are a government agency aiming to undertake an intervention focused at improvement of the quality infrastructure and/or national SPS environment; or If you are a development partner supporting an Aid-for-Trade programme; or if you are a programme/project manager for a trade facilitation project; or if you are an inspection body focusing to implement modern food safety, SPS and quality controls based on the concept of risk analysis; or if you are an enterprises seeking to implement certification schemes for standards or focusing to meet requirements for a targeted market segment; then, YOU ARE potentially out client. Please contact us to discuss how best we can consolidate your plans and assist you to meet your food safety, SPS and quality objectives.
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