We support conception, design and development of programmes and projects aimed to improve safety, quality and SPS measures, both in public and private organizations.
We support government and development partners to implement Trade facilitation and broadly “Aid-for-Trade” programmes and projects. Most multi-lateral trade agreements signed by trade partners incorporate clauses that open up opportunities of developing countries to benefit from development assistance from multilateral organizations or trade partners in the developed world.Whether it is implementation of trade capacity building programmes or implementation of specific trade agreements; naturally, the role of Quality infrastructure and SPS environment is always at the forefront of implementation.We are highly experienced in undertaking multilateral projects supporting trade development, trade capacity building, implementation of specific trade Agreements and also implementation of TBT, SPS and other trade related protocols normally agreed in the regional integration frameworks.
We manage the entire project cycle, from initiating the needs assessment and situation analysis studies to designing, implementation and monitoring and evaluating of the programme/project’s development activities.We act on behalf of client to set up teams required for providing adequate technical guidance in implementation and evaluating projects.
Our key staff have been involved in implementing projects as part of teams in several countries within the east African Community (EAC), SADC, ECOWAS regions of Africa and beyond. Our technical support efforts have been in project proposal development, supporting establishment of projects/programme Implementation Units and providing direct technical support to implementation of the outputs, direct implementation of project activities, conducting midtermreviews and end of project evaluations.
We are available to support the project teams for projects covering our mandates (i.e. food safety, SPS, Quality and standards, Quality infrastructure and SPS environments) and to provide support at any stage of project implementation.We can act as part of project implementation teams, we can be hired to provide full management of the project, we can be sub contracted to directly implement key activities of the project on behalf of implementers and partners or we can be hired to offer technical support to the implementation teams.
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