Client: USAID – DAI Feed the Future Uganda Inclusive Agricultural Markets Activity
Country where assignment is being conducted: Uganda
Start period: June 2021
Narrative description of the Assignment:
The purpose of the Delivering Consulting Support for Food Processing Quality Improvement and Quality Facilitators in Uganda through local Consulting Service Providers (CSP) intervention is to assist food traders and agro-processors adopt improved technologies and business practices needed to produce safe and quality processed food products. This will enable them to achieve quality certifications and sell to higher value markets domestically and internationally. This initial scope focuses on grain and cereals processing. Feed the Future Uganda Inclusive Agricultural Markets Activity (FtFIAM) intends to build upon this work into other sectors next year.
The objectives of this scope of work are:
Objective 1: Build capacity of processors on food quality and safety (including GMP, GHP, HACCP and aflatoxin management)
1.1 Increase food quality and safety awareness among identified food processors in at least 2 value chains in selected parts of Uganda through sector-wide training.
1.2 Support processors to apply improved business management practices and technologies required to achieve improved quality management and standard certification.
Objective 2. To build capacity of local consulting service providers (CSPs) to provide food quality consulting services on commercial basis.
2.1 Develop a commercial model and service package for CSPs to offer services needed by processors from assessments, investment/project planning and certifications, etc.
2.2 Build demand for CSPs to provide services through coaching them with an initial 10 small and growing food processors and coordinating remote support for an addition 20 (for a total of 30 companies) to achieve recognized quality certification from a standards body.