Assignment: Consultancy service to develop regional guidelines for the extraction, processing and trading of Nile perch maws in East Africa
Country: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania
Name of client: Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO), of the East African Community (EAC)
Start period: February/2020
Completion: September /2020
Description of the assignment:
The objective of the assignment is to hold consultations with key stakeholders along the value chain of Nile perch maws and develop guidelines for its extraction, processing, transportation and trading.
The specific tasks undertaken by the consultant include:
Assignment: Consultancy to assist in prioritizing SPS measures in the Trade in Agriculture Safety and Efficiency (TRASE) in East Africa
Country: Uganda, Burundi
Name of client: CAB International (CABI)
Start period: February/2020
Completion: August /2020
Description of the assignment:
This consultancy contributed to an assignment carried out by CABI where it was contracted by Land O’Lakes Venture37 to undertake a Comprehensive SPS assessment to prioritise Trade in Agriculture Safety and Efficiency (TRASE) activities in partnership with targeted EAC Partner States, the US. Department of Agriculture and other stake holders.
The specific tasks undertaken by the consultant include:
This Included reviewing and helping to finalise the following:
Assignment: Deep Dive Study on Food Safety Standards and Animal Welfare Rules within DFID’s Commercial Agriculture Portfolio
Country: Uganda
Name of client: LTS/NIRAS International
Start period: November/2019
Completion: January/2020
Description of the assignment:
The purpose of this consultancy was to contribute to an assignment that LTS International and IMC were contracted to undertake a Deep Dive Study on Food Safety and Animal Welfare Standards within DFID’s Commercial Agriculture portfolio. The study provided answers to the following questions: How many DFID commercial agriculture programmes are considering food safety in their design and/ or delivery; How do programmes consider food safety e.g. which type of interventions do they implement; in which context; how is food safety linked to the programme’s Theory of Change; what has been the impact/outcome so far of the food safety intervention/programme?
The assignment also explored the relevancy of animal welfare issues addressed in livestock value chain programmes. Specifically, which policies, laws or regulations are programmes seeking to implement on factory farming of poultry (broiler and laying hens) cattle, space limitations, diets, slaughter, and live animal transport.
Assignment: Preparing the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for Animal Identification and Traceability Bill
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2019
Completion: November/2019
Objective of the assignment
The RIA was intended to provide information to guide decisions on the necessary regulatory proposals to be included in the Animal Identification and Traceability Bill (AITB). The RIA therefore aimed to support the development of an effective legal framework for streamlining the collection, retention and sharing of information on livestock animals in order to help control animal diseases and livestock theft, enhance food safety, regulate the movement of livestock, improve livestock products, protect’ animal genetic resources, promote access to markets and providing other related benefits.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Preparation of the National Residue Monitoring and Control Programme for Meat and Meat Products in Uganda
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2019
Completion: November/2019
Objective of the assignment
The main objective was to prepare the RMP/finalize the 1st RMP in Uganda to be submitted, by the Directorate of Animal Resources, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, to the Food and Veterinary Office of the EU Commission as well as to other technical Ministries/Directorates in other importing countries where Uganda has interest to export meat and meat products.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Reviewing and Updating the Aquaculture Rules and Regulations
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: January/2019
Completion: April/2019
Objective of the assignment
The main objective of the assignment was to review, identify gaps, and update the Fish (Aquaculture) Rules 2003 and bring it in line with international best practices for promoting and guiding development of aquaculture; and controlling and regulating aquaculture establishments.
The review was undertaken in considerations of new developments in investments, technology, institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks and regional and international requirements. In addition, production conditions and regulatory environments were put into consideration in the revision to enable sustainable production and implementation of the Rules for Uganda.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Revising and finalising the National Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy and National SPS policy Implementation Plan
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Chemonics Inc. through the USAID Feed the Future (EEA) support to Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries
Start period: October/2018
Completion: February/2019
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of the policy is to promote a rule-based SPS management and control system that enables compliance of agricultural products to animal and plant health and food safety standards; and increased market access
Specific Objectives:
Assignment:Consultancy to Review the Standards (Import Inspection) Regulations (SIIR) and Carrying out of the Regulatory Impact Assessment on the Proposed Revised SIIR in Botswana
Country: Botswana
Name of client: Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry in Botswana
Start period: October/2018
Completion: March/2019
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of the assignment was to revise the Botswana Standards (Import Inspection) Regulation (SIIR) by aligning it with the international and regional best practices and identifying and mitigating the impacts the implementation of revised SIIR could have on business, trade, industry, consumers, environment and general economy.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Consultancy to Conduct a Diagnostic Study of the Agro-products Value Chains in Eswatini (Swaziland) to identify those with potential for improved agro-processing; Development of National Strategy for Agro-processing and Industry Upgrading and Modernisation Programme (IUMP)) and Action plans that are aligned to the SADC IUMP 2015-2063
Country: Eswatini (Swaziland)
Name of client: Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland) through the EU-SADC Trade Related Facility (TRF) Project
Start period: August/2018
Completion: November/2018
Objective of the assignment
The Overall Objective of the project was to identify value chains with high employment and export potential and develop a National IUMP to promote competitiveness and diversification of the manufacturing sector.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of animal feeds
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2019
Completion: November/2019
Objective of the assignment
The RIA was intended to provide information to guide decisions on the necessary regulatory proposals to be included in the Animal Feeds Bill (AFB). The RIA therefore aimed to support the development of an effective legal framework for streamlining operations in the feed sector and improving the safety and quality of animal feeds.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of Meat Development Bill
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2019
Completion: November/2019
Objective of the assignment
The RIA was intended to provide information to guide decisions on the necessary regulatory proposals to be included in the Amended Meat Development Bill (AMDB). The RIA therefore aimed to support the development of an effective legal framework for streamlining operations in the meat sector and improving the safety and quality of meat and meat products.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Developing the Fruits and Vegetables (Phytosanitary and Quality Assurance) Rules 2016
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives through the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) in Collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2015
Completion: May/2015
Objective of the assignment
The objective was to provide an instrument that could be issued by government to enforce phytosanitary and quality assurance requirements set out in the various EU legislation within the Uganda fruits and vegetable subsector so as to ensure compliance of the exports to the EU market requirements
Specific Objectives:
The project involved desk work review of the EU market requirements for fruits and vegetables set out in the various EU legislation.
It also involved reviewing the current Plant Health and Protection Act (2015), The Agricultural Chemicals Control Act (2006), the Plant Variety Protection Act (2014) and others such as the Food and Drugs Act (1964) and Public Health Act (1969) to identify provisions related to phytosanitary and food safety that have effect on production, handling, trade and export of fruits and vegetables. And by adopting the Government of Uganda Format for development of Rules (Statutory Instruments) develop the Fruits and Vegetable (Phytosanitary and Quality Assurance) Rules for enforcing compliance with requirements for fruits and vegetables that are harmonized with those applied in the EU markets
Assignment:Consultancy for Preparation of a Value Chain Analysis Report for the Nile perch Maw Trade in East Africa that investigates all harvest, processing and trade aspects as well as quality and legislative issues
Country: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
Name of client: Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Collaboration with the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO)
Start period: May/2018
Completion: July/2018
Objective of the assignment
The Overall Objective of the Value Chain Analysis (VCA) study was to gather information on the Nile perch maw with the main focus on its local and regional trade in East Africa. The information is essential in designing interventions for achieving sustainable fisheries management of Nile perch at Lake Victoria, improving artisanal fisheries leading to better access to fisheries products and employment opportunities, and reducing illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Technical Assistance for Development of Relevant Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Protocols and Procedures to Minimize the Spread of Covid-19 in Priority Value Chains
Country: Kenya
Name of client: NIRAS International Consulting Kenya Ltd (in collaborating with NIRAS Uganda)
Start period: March/2021
Completion: June/2021
Objective of the assignment
The project was aimed to ensure continued supply of a safe agricultural supply chain that conforms with SPS standards, health and safety requirements for traded agricultural products. This was achieved by improving Competent Authorities controls for SPS risks/concerns in key food supply chains; and ensuring faster border clearance through use of ICT for inspections, controls and issuance of approvals.
Specific Objectives:
Assignment: Draft National Sanitary and Phytosanitary Policy of Uganda
Country: Uganda
Name of client: Chemonics International Inc. Under contract agreement with USAID for the Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity
Start Date (months/year): November/2018
Completion date: February/2019
Objective of the assignment
Specifically, the objective of the assignment was to promote a rule based SPS management and control system that enables compliance of agricultural products to animal and plant health and food safety standards; and increased market access
Specific Objectives:
To align the SPS Management and control to the international best practices
To strengthen the legal and regulatory framework for human, animal and plant life or health protection
Harmonize SPS measures with regional and international requirements
To improve coordination and collaboration among SPS related stakeholders
To improve skills and build technical capacity for the management of SPS along the value chain
To support the Private Sector in development and implementation of necessary SPS standards and requirements
To support implementation of SPS measures necessary to facilitate the access of locally produced products to available prime markets in Uganda
To Strengthen border control and internal quarantine systems to manage SPS
To minimize the effects of SPS measures on trade in animal, plant, their products including food at national, regional, and international scales
Assignment: Consultancy to develop regional guidelines and framework for a regional SPS Early Warning system and Rapid Response Guidelines
Country: Mauritius, Malawi, Botswana and South Africa
Name of client: Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Start Date (months/year): July/2017
Completion date: November/2017
Objective of the assignment
Specifically, the objective of the assignment was to assist the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to develop Regional Guidelines and framework for an Early Warning system related to Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) threats and Rapid Response Guidelines.
Specific Objectives:
To survey international best practices Guidelines on the topic of Early Warning systems
To survey the current situation in 3 SADC member states covering the systems in place for plant protection, Animal Health and Food Safety in country
Make recommendations based on international best practices for a standardised framework for the SADC region and its member states on: harmonized approach to gathering and sharing information on pests, diseases and other threats to the health and wellbeing of the people, fauna and flora of the countries and region practices and systems required to provide effective and timely transparent risk-based response to potential and actual SPS threats
Assignment: Provision of Technical Assistance to Develop a Project Proposal for Seychelles under the SADC Trade Related Facility
Country: Seychelles
Name of client: Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Other agencies such as Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Child care, collaborated
Start Date (months/year): March/2017
Completion date: April/2017
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of the assignment was to assist the Government of Seychelles to develop a project proposal for strengthening quality infrastructure for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).
The assignment also involved the completion of an application form for EU SADC Trade Related Facility (TRF) funding request (Annex 2 of the TRF Operational Guidelines). In designing the project proposal, the following issues were taken into account:
The project was coherent with SADC’s integration strategy, Seychelles’ national development plans and/ or policies with clear linkages to the implementation of the regional trade facilitation programmes
the project aimed at mitigating or overcoming challenges linked to the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Trade (especially the Annexes on SPS and TBT)
the project was consistent with the strategies and objectives of the TRF and fit within the identified intervention areas; and
the project was situated within a coherent strategic framework of addressing Seychelles’ regional/ extra-territorial trade commitments; sustainable; with objectives, key results and indicators clearly linked to the implementation of identified gaps.
Specific Objectives:
Specifically, this assignment was to assist the Government of Seychelles to develop a TRF application package, containing the following information:
Identify the objectives to be achieved, project outcomes and outputs and activities to be undertaken
propose a Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) that includes a baseline, progress indicators and final targets (multi-annual where applicable) and sources of verification (SoV) to allow measurement of progress against implementation of the project
propose a result-based budget and payment schedule, based on the progress indicators and targets proposed in the PAF
outline an implementation methodology and a project management and implementation arrangement, including details on how financial and procurement processes will be managed
Assignment: Provision of Technical Assistance to Develop a Project Proposal for Zimbabwe under the SADC Trade Related Facility
Country: Zimbabwe
Location within country: Harare
Name of client: Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Other agencies such as Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Child care, collaborated
Start Date (months/year): September/2016
Completion date: October/2016
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of the assignment was to assist the Government of Zimbabwe to develop a project proposal for strengthening quality infrastructure for SPS and TBT. In designing the proposal, the following issues were taken into account:
The project was coherent with SADC’s integration strategy, national development plans and/ or policies with clear linkages to the implementation of the SADC regional industrialization strategy and Road Map (2015-263);
the project was aimed at mitigating or overcoming challenges linked to the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Trade in Zimbabwe (especially Annexes for SPS and TBT);
the project was consistent with the strategies and objectives of the EU SADC TRF and fit within the identified intervention areas; and
The project was situated within a coherent strategic framework of addressing Zimbabwe’s regional/ extra-territorial trade commitments; (TBT/SPS obligations); sustainable; with objectives, key results and indicators clearly linked to the implementation of identified gaps.
Specific Objectives:
Specifically, this assignment was to assist the Government of Zimbabwe to develop a TRF application package, containing the following information:
Identify the objectives to be achieved, project outcomes and outputs and activities to be undertaken;
propose a Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) that includes a baseline, progress indicators and final targets (multi-annual where applicable) and sources of verification (SoV) to allow measurement of progress against implementation of the project;
propose a result-based budget and payment schedule, based on the progress indicators and targets proposed in the PAF; and
outline a project management and implementation arrangement, including details on how financial and procurement processes will be managed
Assignment: Provision of Technical Assistance to Develop a Project Proposal for Mozambique under the SADC Trade Related Facility
Country: Mozambique
Location within country: Maputo
Name of client: Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Other agencies such as National Institute for standardization and quality (INNOQ); Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security collaborate
Start Date (months/year): August/2016
Completion date: September/2016
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of the assignment was to assist the Government of Mozambique to develop a project proposal on quality and standards with specific focus on TBT and SPS measures.
The assignment also involved the completion of an application form for TRF funding request (Annex 2 of the TRF Operational Guidelines). In designing the project proposal, the following issues were taken into account:
The project was coherent with SADC’s integration strategy, national development plans and/ or policies with clear linkages to the implementation of the SADC regional industrialization strategy and road map and other trade facilitation programmes;
the project was aimed at mitigating or overcoming challenges linked to the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Trade or the Economic Partnership Agreement in Mozambique;
the project was consistent with the strategies and objectives of the TRF and fit within the identified intervention areas; and
the project was situated within a coherent strategic framework of addressing Mozambique’s regional/ extra-territorial trade commitments; (TBT/SPS obligation); sustainable; with objectives, key results and indicators clearly linked to the implementation of identified gaps.
Specific Objectives:
Specifically, this assignment was to assist the Government of Mozambique to develop a TRF application package, containing the following information:
Identify the objectives to be achieved, project outcomes and outputs and activities to be undertaken;
propose a Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) that includes a baseline, progress indicators and final targets (multi-annual where applicable) and sources of verification (SoV) to allow measurement of progress against implementation of the project;
propose a result-based budget and payment schedule, based on the progress indicators and targets proposed in the PAF;
outline an implementation methodology and a project management and implementation arrangement, including details on how financial and procurement processes will be managed
Assignment: Consultancy to develop a training manual for MSMEs engaged in cereal and cereal products related business operations
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives
Start Date (months/year): September/2016
Completion date: October/2016
Objective of the assignment
The main objective of the assignment was to build the capacity of cereal operators and enable them to implement food hygiene, good manufacturing and food safety standards through training, coaching, mentorship and promoting implementation of the good hygiene and good manufacturing practices (GHP and GMP
Description of the actual services provided:
Assignment 1: Consultancy Services to Support the Implementation of Key Short Term Assignments under QUISP Project
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives
Start Date (months/year): May/2016
Completion date: November/2016
Objective of the assignment
Assignment 2: Consultancy Services to develop the National Fisheries Policy Implementation Plan under the Lake Victoria Environment Management Project
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Entebbe
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: July/2016
Completion: September/2016
Key Experts of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and the functions they performed:
Narrative description of project: Food Safety Associates Ltd was requested by the MAAIF to undertake a sector-wide value chain study to generate information and data needed to guide the development of the National Fisheries Policy Implementation Plan to realize the objectives of the policy.
Objective of the assignment: The main objective is to develop National Fisheries Policy (NFP) Implementation Plan in line with the mission of the new National Fisheries Policy i.e. to optimize the utilization of the fisheries resources benefits through increased and sustainable production
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates Ltd:
Assignment 3: Developing the Fruits and Vegetables (Phytosanitary and Quality Assurance) Rules 2016
Country: Uganda
Location with Country: Kampala
Name of Client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives through the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) with Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: April/2015
Completion: May/2016
Key Experts of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and the functions they performed:
Narrative description of Project: Food Safety Associates Ltd/NIRAS/BSI team was requested by Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives to develop a Fruits and Vegetables Phytosanitary and Quality Assurance Rules that will enable the fruits and vegetable operators and official controls comply with the requirements for the EU markets.
Objective: The objective was to provide an instrument that could be issued by government to enforce phytosatinary and quality assurance requirements set out in the various EU legislation within the Uganda fruits and vegetable subsector so as to ensure compliance of the exports to the EU market requirements
Description of actual services provided by key Consultants of Food Safety Associates Ltd:
The project involved desk work review of the EU market requirements for fruits and vegetables set out in the various EU legislations.
It also involved reviewing the current Plant Health and Protection Act (2015), The Agricultural Chemicals Control Act (2006), the Plant Variety Protection Act (2014) and others such as the Food and Drugs Act (1964) and Public Health Act (1969) to identify provisions related to phytosanitary and food safety that have effect on production, handling, trade and export of fruits and vegetables. And by adopting the Government of Uganda Format for development of Rules (Statutory Instruments) develop the Fruits and Vegetable (Phytosanitary and Quality Assurance) Rules for enforcing compliance with requirements for fruits and vegetables that are harmonized with those applied in the EU markets
Assignment 4: Supporting the collaboration between MTIC/QUISP and Makerere University School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bio-Engineering to establish a Masters’ Degree Course in Food Safety and Quality Management
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) Under the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Project (QUISP)
Start period: January/ 2016
Completion: March/2016
Narrative description of the project: The overall objective of the proposed course was to produce adequate and well equipped food safety and quality professionals that can support the establishment and sustenance of an appropriate food safety and quality system which is capable to respond to the ever changing needs of the agro food sector in Uganda and beyond.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates ltd:
Assignment 5: Developing a Traceability User Manual for Operators in the Fruits and Vegetables Export Supply Chain
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of Client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives through the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) in Collaboration with the Uganda Fruits and Vegetable Exporters and Producers Association, Uganda Export Promotions Board and MAAIF
Start period: December/ 2015
Completion: February/ 2016
Key experts of Food Safety Associates Ltd Involved and the functions they performed:
Narrative description of Project: Food Safety Associates Ltd/NIRAS/BSI team was requested by Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives to develop a tool for enabling the fruits and vegetable operators play their roles as stipulated in the Implementation Guide for the Traceability of Fruits and Vegetables in the Export Supply Chain
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates experts within the assignment:
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperative (MTIC) through Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) with Ministry Of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
Start period: May/2015
Completion: June/2015
Narrative description of the project: Food Safety Associates Ltd/NIRAS/BSI team was requested by Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives to come up with implementation guide for Traceability of Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Exports in Uganda.
The overall goal was to come up with guidelines that are purposed to the manner in which different players undertake traceability activities and how they are linked together to establish an effective traceability that can allow Uganda’s stakeholders respond effectively to any food related incident involving fruits and vegetable exports. Draft the document for guiding the implementation of the traceability requirements by all stakeholders in fruits and vegetable sector in Uganda.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates Experts:
Assignment 7: Strengthening of Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Quality Infrastructure in Uganda to Meet the Export Requirements for Agro-food Products Program
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
Start date: April/ 2015
Completion: June/ 2015
Food Safety Associates expert involved and functions he performed:
Narrative description of the project: The overall goal was to develop and sustain agro-food exports to support employment, increase the people’s income and contribute to poverty reduction.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates Expert:
Assignment 8: Inventories of New Industrial POPs: Perflorooctane Sulfonic Acids (PFOS), Its Salts and Perflorooctane Sulfonyl Floride (PFOS-F) in Uganda
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Kampala
Client: National Environmental Management Authority
Start period: October/2014
Completion: February/2015
Food Safety Associates expert involved and functions he performed:
Narrative description of Project: The main objective of this assignment was to carry out inventory of new industrial Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Perflorooctane Sulfonic Acids (PFOS), its salts and Perflorooctane Sulfonyl Floride (PFOS-F) and establish the quantity of PFOS in Uganda’s environment and develop the action plan for its management in accordance with the Stockholm convention requirements.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates ltd:
Assignment 9: Providing technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme in Uganda PHASE 11
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start date: February/2014
Completion date: January/2015
Hired team: Food Safety Associates Ltd/NIRAS/BSI
Key Experts of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and the functions they performed:
Narrative description of the project: The overall objective was to promote sustainable use of standards and quality infrastructure so as to improve the competitiveness of Uganda’s products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates Ltd:
Assignment 10: Consultancy to provide technical support to implementation of priority activities under the QUISP
Country: Uganda
Location within country: Kampala
Name of Client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start date period: September/2014
Completion: January/2015
Key Experts of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and the functions they performed:
Narrative description of Project: The assignment aimed to:
Description of actual services provided by FSA staff regarding meat hygiene standards within the assignment:
The Food Safety Associates (FSA) Ltd’s Experts reviewed and undertook a Gap Analysis in abattoirs in Kampala and wrote a comprehensive report. The gap analysis identified the areas within the enterprises that required greater technical emphasis. They compiled training and awareness materials that focus on improvement of the specific aspects identified and conducted a workshop to sensitise the representatives of abattoir operators. The experts developed materials used in the training of the meat business operators selected by MTIC and Task force.
Assignment 11: Consultancy to establish a well functioning food safety control system in Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Resources/Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Entebbe
Start date period: November/2012
Completion: September/2013
Name of senior professional staff of our firm involved and functions performed
Narrative description of the project: The main goal was to recommend the appropriate measures to establish a well coordinated and functioning food control system for MAAIF
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd):
Assignment 12: Undertaking a midterm review for the ICEIDA funded Quality Assurance for Fish Marketing Project implemented by the Department of Fisheries Resources in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Entebbe
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Resources/Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)
Start period: March/2012
Completion: August/2013
Narrative description of the project: The development objective of the project was to increase volume of marketed fish both in the domestic and export markets through reduction in post-harvest losses. The main objective of the Midterm review was to review the project’s two and a half year period of implementation and establish if the project was still on track to achieve its intended objectives and meet its goal, and recommends the necessary changes where necessary to be implemented in the remaining term of the project
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates ltd:
Developed a final report
Assignment 13: Providing Technical Assistance to Economic Partnership Agreement and Trade related Private Sector Support (EPA TAPSS) Programme
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start period: August/2012
Completion : June/2013
Hired team: Agriconsulting Europe/Ecorys Nederlands and Food Safety Associates Ltd
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions he performed
Dr. Ananias Bagumire, Team Leader – SPS component of the Technical Assistance Team.
Narrative description of the project: The main goal of the assignment was to strengthen standards environment and mechanism for implementation of SPS measures with a view to enabling Uganda’s products conform to international quality requirements
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd) staff:
Assignment 14: Capacity and equipment inventory of testing and calibration laboratories in Uganda
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start period: March/2013
Completion: June/2013
Hired company: Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resources Services Centre Ltd (TRANRSEC) with Food Safety Associates (FSA) Ltd as sub contractor
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions performed:
Narrative description of the project: The main objective of this assignment was to establish the capacities and inventory of conformity assessment service providers in testing, calibration fields and related certification fields in Uganda.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd):
Produced and presented an inception report for stakeholder input and later produce a draft report for discussion and stakeholder in put before producing a final report
Assignment 15: Providing technical Assistance to Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme in Uganda
Country: Uganda
Location with Country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start date period: June/2011
Completion: May/2013
Hired company: NIRAS and Food Safety Associates Ltd as sub contractor
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates involved and functions performed:
Narrative description of the project: The overall objective was to promote sustainable use of standards and quality infrastructure so as to improve the competitiveness of Uganda’s products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd) staff:
Assignment 16: Study to collect data and information for developing modalities for harmonizing Uganda’s position and effective participation in SPS-related International Trade Negotiations
Country: Uganda
Location: Kampala
Name of Client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start period: June/2012
Completion: September/2012
Hired companies: Tropical Agriculture, and Natural Resources Services Centre (TRANRSEC LTD) with Food Safety Associates Limited as sub contractor
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions performed
Narrative description of Project: The main Objective of the Project was to analyze the mandates, approaches, procedures, and current SPS issues being discussed in WTO SPS Committee, OIE, IPPC and CAC that are of interest to Uganda; so as to identify appropriate modalities for improving effectiveness of Uganda’s participation in those meetings.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates staff within the assignment:
The staff was solely responsible for the assignment; they developed action plans, undertook filed work, literature search, reviewed mandates, modalities and procedures of the studied organizations and produced the required reports and final outputs of the assignment
Assignment 17: Developing modalities for harmonising Uganda’s position and effective participation in food safety-related international trade negotiations
Country: Uganda
Location within Country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Start period: June/2012
Completion July/2012
Hired companies: Tropical Agriculture, and Natural Resources Services Centre (TRANRSEC LTD) with Food Safety Associates Limited as sub contractor
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions performed
Narrative description of the project: the aim was to provide information for guiding Ugandan delegates attending international meetings to push for harmonized national positions in Codex and international food safety meetings.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd):
Assignment 18: Implementation of EAC/UNIDO-NORAD Programme on Trade Capacity Building in Agro- Industry products for Establishment and proof of Compliance with International Market Requirements
Country: Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi
Location within Region: The capital cities of the EAC member states
Name of client: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
Start period: October /2009
Completion: June/ 2012
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates involved and functions he performed
Narrative description of the project: The global objective of the programme was to enhance institutional capacities of the five countries members of the East African Community to implement WTO TBT/SPS agreements and achieve compliance with international markets requirements.
The main objectives are to enhance the capacity of enterprises to produce according to international market requirements and strengthen export oriented support services mainly relating to conformity assessment.
Objectives of the National components
Description of actual services provided by staff of Food Safety Associates:
Assignment 19: Development of Code of good practices for food safety in aquaculture and artisanal fisheries subsectors and a fish inspector’s guide
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Entebbe
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Resources/Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)
Start date: March/2011
Completion): June/2011
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates involved and functions performed
Narrative description of Project: The main goal was to develop codes of good practices that would support stakeholders and operators in fisheries subsector to comply with the newly developed regulatory requirements needed to guarantee safety of fish at all stages in the chain.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates staff within the assignment:
Assignment 20: Harmonising legislation for control of quality assurance of aquaculture products with that of the EU
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Kampala
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Resources/Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA
Start date: October/2010
Completion: February/2011
Name of senior professional staff of our firm involved and functions performed
Narrative description of the project: The main goal was to review the existing quality assurance regulatory system for aquaculture products in order to strengthen regulations to harmonise with or meet equivalence of international market requirement and therefore ensure sustainable market access through export of aquaculture products from Uganda to the EU.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates staff:
Assignment 21: Mid Term Review of EAC/UNIDO-NORAD programme on Trade Capacity building in Agro-Industry products for establishment and proof of compliance with International Market Requirement
Country: Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi
Location within Region: The capital cities of the EAC member states
Name of client: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Trade Capacity Branch
Start period: October/2009
Completion: February/2010
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions performed
Narrative description of the project: The global objective of the UNIDO-NORAD programme in East Africa on Trade Capacity Building in Agro-Industry products for the establishment and proof of compliance with International Markets Requirements is to enhance institutional capacities of the five countries members of the East African Community to implement WTO, TBT/SPS agreement and to achieve compliance with international markets requirements.
Narrative description of Project: The global objective of the UNIDO-NORAD programme in East Africa on Trade Capacity Building in Agro-Industry products for the establishment and proof of Compliance with International Markets Requirements is to enhance institutional capacities of the five countries members of the East African Community to implement WTO, TBT/SPS agreement and to achieve compliance with international markets requirements.
The main objectives are:
The objective of the Mid Term Review (MTR) was to assess the progress of the programme after one and a half years of implementation having started in 2007, and to identify areas of success and areas where performance was not adequate, and to suggest approaches on building on success and improving areas of the programme where adequate success had not been realised.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates staff within the assignment:
Proposed a coordination mechanism for the stakeholders in the programme to improve the delivery of programme outputs
Assignment 22: Evaluation of the Impact of Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Fish Industry in Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania, Under the UNIDO programme on impact of global financial and Economic Crisis on LDC‘s Productive Capacities and Trade.
Country: Uganda and Tanzania
Name of Client: UNIDO
Start period: September/2009
Completion: November/2009
Name of senior professional staff of Food Safety Associates Ltd involved and functions performed
Dr. Ananias Bagumire, The Team Leader
Ms. Faith Wabulya Kiboneka (Fish Industry Expert)
Narrative description of Project: The global objective of the project was to understand how the structural, competitive, and political – economic situations of specific industries were shaping the impact of the global financial and economic crisis on those industries and their future courses.
The main objective of the evaluation in East Africa was to understand the impact of global financial and economic crisis on food industries in the LDCs that depend on food exports and the appropriate interventions and/ or mitigation measures necessary.
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Assignment 23: Developing residue monitoring plan and harmonisation dossier for Uganda’s application to the EU for approval of aquaculture exports and harmonising legislation for control of quality assurance of aquaculture products with that of the EU
Country: Uganda
Location with country: Entebbe
Name of client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries
Start period: March/2009
Completion: April/2009
Name of senior professional staff of our firm involved and functions performed
Narrative description of the project: The main goal of the project was to obtain approval from the EU authorities to include Uganda on the positive list of countries approved to export aquaculture products in Europe.
Description of actual services provided by Food Safety Associates (ltd):