Through our restructured Food Safety Associates (FSA), we offer all forms of food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS), quality and standards related consultancy, technical assistance, and project management services to all categories of clients including, government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs); development partners; and micro, small, medium and large enterprises. We guide food safety and quality control agencies to implement policies, laws and regulations in accordance to the requirements set out in the World Trade Organization agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).
We also guide enterprises of all sizes to install and implement good hygiene practices, good manufacturing practices, sanitation standards operating procedures, HACCP, good laboratory practices, and food safety and quality management systems based on different relevant ISO standards.
We develop different technical information packs to support different players in the food and related sectors to implement different aspects of food safety, SPS and quality related measures. We have developed information materials in form of booklets, leaflets, brochures, demonstration charts and posters which are crafted in simple easy to understand formats and language to facilitate different players in food and related sectors to implement requirements, good manufacturing practices, good agricultural practices, pest control measures, sanitation standard operating procedures, general prerequisite programmes for food safety management and control, food safety requirements and HACCP, SPS trade measures for plants, animals and fisheries and their products; quality control and modalities for implementation of different standards; and all related issues. We partner with government Ministries, agencies and departments and donor agencies to support capacity building in public institutions and private enterprises in different areas mentioned above; so as to improve the food safety, SPS and quality status of products placed on the markets in various countries in East, Southern and Western African Countries.
We offer project cycle management services for interventions focused in the areas of food safety, SPS, quality and standards by providing technical support on project management measures regarding concept development, management of project actions and interventions and undertaking project reviews, establishing the Management systems, establishing management information systems that support monitoring and evaluation; and undertaking project impact evaluation
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