Food Safety


Food Safety Associates has for many years established itself as the place of resort when it comes to Food Safety, SPS and Quality related consultancies. Our scope in consultancy has been in the areas of Food safety, Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, Quality, Standards, Value addition, Trade development and trade facilitation. We support business enterprises, government ministries, departments and agency (MDAs) to establish effective policies and laws and technical regulations and standards that enable establishment and sustenance of food safety, SPS and Quality Infrastructure that comply with requirements of WTO agreements on technical barriers to trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures. We also support governments regarding the setup of appropriate institutional and technical operational frameworks that support good regulatory practices that improve compliance to international requirements as required to promote safety and quality of products and health and welfare of consumers.

We provide technical guidance to enterprises of all sizes to implement the technical requirements for complying with market and consumer requirements. We guide enterprises to establish and implement among others: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and other food safety pre-requisite programs such as Pest control, sanitation standards operating procedures (SSOPS) among others. We also provide support to enterprises to implement food safety systems based on HACCP. We provide technical support to establish and install food safety management systems (FSMS) based on ISO 22000:2005 standard, Traceability System for food and feed based on ISO 22005:2007 standards, and Quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001:2015 standard. We also collaborate with enterprises and assist them to introduce and comply with various private standards applied in different markets such as EUROGAP and GLOBAL GAP, British Retail Consortium Standards on food safety, packaging and many more.

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