We have structured our conformity assessment services in such a way to facilitate our clients undertake measures to safeguard the consumers’ health and interest, and facilitate trade.
We act on behalf of government and other mandated bodies to undertake third party inspections and certification of products. We undertake inspection, auditing, sampling, testing and certification based on risk analysis principles to ensure that the clients that we serve implement good regulatory practices aligned with WTO SPS and TBT agreements and other regional and national regulatory frameworks.
We act on behalf of buyers to undertake inspection and certification activities and provideevidence of compliance of the inspected and certified entities with market requirements to facilitate buyers’ decisions for transactions and business cooperation.
We also undertake certification activities for hygiene management, good manufacturing practices, and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and quality and food safety management systems based on national, regional and international standards as may be appropriate.
We are in advanced stages of obtaining Accreditation as a certifying body (CB) for ISO 22000: 2005, ISO 17020: 2012 and ISO 9001: 2015
We are available to partner with regulatory agencies of government to fill the gap created by thinly staffed and weak inspection services. We will undertake inspection based on standard norms and criteria based on standard operating procedures (SOPs) agreed and approved by the regulations/regulators. Our role is to determine conformance with the requirements in an impartial manner and make inspection reports as may be necessary to guide the decision of the regulator.
As for certification, we will assess processes and products using the standards checklists and techniques provided in the regulations, or agreed with the regulator; issue or deny certification on an impartial basis and make periodic updates and recommendations to the regulators to make adjustments decisions as may be necessary.
In order to promote food safety norms in Africa, we are promoting among governments, development partners, civil societies and local governments an initiative that will improve safety and quality within the micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by implementing micro-certifications schemes such as for hygiene implementation, implementation of good manufacturing practices and other food safety pre-requisite programmes and HACCP.We are available to support implementation of Micro- certification schemes based on Hygiene, Good Agricultural Practices, Good manufacturing practices and HACCP among others so that products from MSMEs that have achieved some level of food safety related care can be recognizedand promoted for trade in prime domestic markets centres as well as regionally. We will design and implement the scheme so that MSMEs that have established some level of food safety implementation can be issued with some recognition marks to promote trade and enhance market access for their products.
We have knowledge and are in touch with major and credible laboratories in the world. We provide advice relating to testing of products for all categories of food contaminants. We can also take and preserve samples and transport them to laboratories where they can be tested and provide credible results. We will assist in the interpretation of the results basing on the nature of the business operation and provide guidance on avoidance of contamination.
We can also provide clients with quick screening, testing and diagnostic kits that can be used to detect presence of food contaminants, pests and diseases for plants and animals.We have testing kits that can reduce the waiting time significantly to identify presence of contaminants, pests or disease causing agents in plants and animals with results obtained in 2-15 minutes.We can provide kits that can detect the presence of toxins, chemical residues, microbiological contaminants, fungal infectionsand kits for facilitatingthe identification of plant and animal pests and disease causing agents.
Please contact us if you wish our team to detect presence of these contaminants in your products or if you wish to procure your own sets of the kits.
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