The public extension services for food safety, SPS and quality assurance measures and standardsimplementation in Africa are rare, if not totally absent. We are here to fill that gap and to afford enterprises and organizations with opportunity for accessing highly competent and reliable technical advisory services to support the design, installation and implementation of food safety, SPS, Quality and standards related interventions
We can be approached by individuals, organizations, whether in public or private sector, for any advice relating to issues covered by our mandate (i.e. food safety, SPS, Quality and standards, Quality infrastructure and SPS environments). We will be happy to send you our team of knowledgeable and skilled professional and specialists to diagnose the challenges related to food safety, SPS, quality and standards that inhibit your progression in carrying on your mandate or realizing your objectives. We will be able to guide you on implementing interventions that address the challenges with optimal impact, while recognizing the economic and business conditions and context. More importantly, our skilled, experienced and highly knowledgeable experts will provide you with models that will facilitate decision making to enable you resolve the challenges before it is too late.
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