Food Safety Associates Ltd was set up by Dr. Ananias Bagumire (PhD Food Safety Legislations and International Trade) to assist producers complying with requirements set out in international safety and quality legislations. He also wished to provide support to food safety control and management agencies to develop effective monitoring, surveillance and control mechanism for industry operations for industry to produce according to required standards. The passion for this work is derived from his doctoral research that focused on the international food regulations and standards as obstacles for exports of products from developing countries to markets in the developed countries. The focus for improved safety and quality of products has made it necessary for Food Safety Associates Ltd to be the champion of implementation of best practices within all the stages in the agro-food value chain operations aiming at achieving customer satisfaction and legal compliance; whether concerning Food Safety Standards for trade or environmental health related issues… more
Company Background

Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Values
Our Vision
FSA Ltd envisions becoming a leading home-grown provider for Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS), Standardization, Metrology, Quality Assurance and Testing (SMQT), Agro-food value chain management, Value Addition, and Trade related technical support services, reputable for its cutting-edge innovations in keeping the integrity of value chain for products from the less resourced nations.
Progress in realizing our vision shall be judged by the confidence that consumers in the most safety and quality demanding markets of the world will put in the products we help to bring to the market.
Our Mission
The mission of FSA Ltd is to be an agent of change by providing expertise and superior support services in area of SPS, SMQT, agro-food value chain management, value addition and trade with an intentional bias on improving the safety and quality compliancy of products and related infrastructure in the developing countries with international market requirements.
This is achieved by providing management, consulting, auditing, certification, testing and analytical, research, training and advisory services to public institutions and private enterprises as well as supporting the work of all relevant development partners. Food Safety Associates Ltd also provides technical support services related to good agro-food production practices and access and use of better inputs and technologies to agro-food enterprises to be able to produce adequate and better products that they need to break even as businesses, and also to keep in operation and sustain production to meet the needs of local population and attain surplus for trade.
Our Values
Our clients will choose us for the following four reasons
- Honesty
- Commitment to serve
- Professionalism
- Being considerate (Understanding)
To ensure that our values are honored, maintained and undiluted, we exercise self control by declaring them (values) to our clients so that we can be judged by our actions.
Thee Centre for Food Safety, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Quality, Value Addition, Local and International Trade
Our Scope
Our interest is to ensure that producers in developing countries implement and comply with conditions set out in the World Trade Organization Agreements on Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) such that their products can be traded cross the borders unhindered. But also we wish to see healthy communities and environment within developing countries – that do not suffer the consequences of utilizing/consuming unsafe and poor quality products. We are mindful of the fact that a significant population in Developing Countries especially Sub-Saharan Africa experience food shortages on top of living in conditions that compromise food safety, plant health and animal health and welfare. We therefore extend our services focused at addressing SPS (food safety, animal health, and plant health) and TBT (standards, metrology, quality assurance and testing) as well as ensuring that adequate safe food is available on markets for improved health and incomes of the people.

Nature of FSA Ltd’s work
Because the economies in developing countries where we operate depend heavily on agriculture, and in order to be relevant and contribute to development of these economies, FSA Ltd offers its services with a large measure oriented towards ensuring improved food safety and food quality control and related SPS and SQMT infrastructure. We also maintain our level of proficiency in SMQT areas that apply to other products not related to food and oil and gas. Our work covers a range of services including provision of consultancy; technical assistance; project management; training, advisory and capacity building; research and development; conformity assessment; promotion, advocacy and awareness. We deliver these services as direct contracted agency, or as subcontracted consultants. We are available to offer services to private sector organizations and enterprises that are producing or offering any products and/or services of any category; government agencies interested in safety, quality and value addition issues; and donor or development partners implementing related programmes who may find our services relevant to their needs

Why government agencies and private enterprises seek for our services

FSA Ltd recognizes the fact that as world gets smaller through globalization and regional integration, global client base is getting larger. Producers and manufacturers should not let foreign regulations and national regulatory or consumer requirements block their business’s global and nation-wide market access.

Ensuring that companies meet global buyer’s stringent requirements or global suppliers meet the company’s requirements to produce safe products can be achieved through training, improvements and audits, which is a gradual learning process.

FSA Ltd is providing management, consultancy, auditing, certification, testing and analytical, research, training and advisory services using well trained local personnel with experience and skills that fit that of international scale which should limit travel expenses related to external travels by foreign expert normally incurred by business operators and public agencies.

International standards like ISO 22,000:2005, ISO 9001: and Global GAP or national safety and quality compulsory standards and other regulatory requirements have potential to deny their products access to vital markets. Also most categories of business operators whether local or foreign, bear a responsibility to produce safe products that would not inflict ill health to the consumers or negatively impact the environment.

Business owners may find themselves in a difficult position having to juggle the day-to-day running of their businesses with technical aspects of product safety and food hygiene. This is where FSA Ltd can help.

FSA Ltd comes in to provide technical support through giving advice, skills and knowledge to persons managing products or food operations in order to reduce the potential impacts of consumption of unsafe products by customers and loss to the business that may arise from consumer complaints, product rejection and regulatory sanctions.

FSA Ltd with its wide experience, skill and knowledge base in the area of products safety and quality, provides working solutions to producers (growers), transporters, handlers, processors and manufacturers, retailers, food operators, products and/or food distributors, and those involved in catering and food service operations to ensure food is delivered to and consumed by consumers as whole some and safe food.